Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ankle Sprain Rehab and Prevention of Re-Injury

Given that ankle sprains are the most frequently reported sports related orthopedic injury, you should know how to get back in the action after a sprain.

Although the initial treatmet involes P.R.I.C.E (protection with a brace, rest, ice, compression, and elevation) strengthening exercises are a must if you are to avoid develpoing chronic ankle instability.

There is no other way to make sure that the injured ankle heals completely and is not prone to re-injury. We know that following an ankle sprain, the risk of re-injury increases anywhere from 40-70%. Our physical therapist provides all of the ankle re-hab and pre-hab in our office.

Give the injured ankle at least 48 hours before starting strength training.

The following are ankle rehab exercises:

Stretching exercises: Use a towel or stretch rite to get loose and moving again. Start by gently pulling your foot towards you. This can be done several times a day. Don't advance to the next phase until you are pain free at this stage.

Balancing exercises: Balance on one foot for as long as you can. Next try it with your eyes closed. If you do well, you can advance to a wobble board.

Strengthening the flexors: Push your foot outwards against a wall with you leg straight. Stay in this position, contracting the calf muscle for at least 3-5 seconds. Repeat at least 3 times a day.

Therabands: Using resistance at home or in a hotel when traveling will allow you to actively strengthen the muscles that support the ankle and provide stability.

Ankle Weights:can work much like a theraband by providing resistance. But use caution, you can overdo it.

Strength, balance, and retraining the muscles are crucial to preventing re-sprain and re-injury. If the ankle still feels unstable, use an ankle brace to provide some additional safety and stability as you increase your activity level.

Be smart, strong, and careful and will be able to be stronger than ever. No more painful ankle sprains.

Dr. Christopher Segler is an Ironman Triathlon Finisher and award winning foot doctor specializing in elite athletes. He is a former sufferer of unstable ankles who now runs without sprains. His podiatry sports medicine practice is at the Ankle & Foot Center of Chattanooga. You can register for a FREE membership and will receive the monthly newsletter “Finisher’s Circle,” which provides expert advice on increasing your running efficiency and preventing injuries and foot pain by visiting http://www.AnkleCenter.com .

1 comment:

lauragreen said...

Ankle Sprain often result from a fall, a sudden twist, or a blow that forces the ankle joint out of its normal position. Ankle sprains commonly occur while participating in sports, wearing inappropriate shoes, or walking or running on an uneven surface.